Quick Korean systematically consists of 4 levels from elementary to advanced courses, designed to allow prospective learners to choose an applicable course that corresponds with their initial levels. The hope is that Quick Korean will engage with the learners in such a way that they will continue to study right through to Level 4, which means the successful learner will have attained a Level 3.5 on TOPIK, the exam that judges your Korean language proficiency.
Date Offering: Open
Teacher: none
Language: English
Institution: The Cyber University of Korea
Link to MOOC: http://korean.cuk.edu/en/
Hello! I am interested to enrol in this course. But I dont see any button that will indicate for the enrollment. Thank you
Hi Karen! Please go to their website, http://korean.cuk.edu/en/
Hi, do we need to register at the cuk.edu site before we can take part in the course? Thanks.
Please register.